
He'd be gone again in the morning. And she'd be gone, too.

Photo by Nenad Stojkovic on Flickr

"Lunch's ready. Put the guitar down.""Just need to finish this bit. This one's for you — wait until you hear it."She sighed. As his tour loomed closer, he had barely looked at her, and all his fingers had touched was his guitar. He'd be gone again in the morning. And she'd be gone, too.


Long time no see.

I've revived this flash fiction newsletter. About damn time. I'm torn between just sharing one weekly post with a recap of whatever I write here and some musings about writing and art and stuff, or sharing the short stories as they're posted on top of the weekly email. Again, only time will tell what's the best way to move forward.

This is the first short story I posted as a reel on Instagram. With the platform pushing for video so aggressively, it might be the best way to promote short stories on social media. Only time will tell. In the meantime, it's actually interesting to come up with a way to use flash fiction on videos. It's likely it'll take a while before I have it down, but it's a fun experiment nonetheless.

Thanks for sticking around. Until next time.


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